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COVID Employee Self-Screener

The Pasco County School District expects all employees (vaccinated and unvaccinated) to complete this pre-entry self-screening tool daily before entering any school campus or district office location.

  1. Do you have a new, or worsening, onset of any of the following symptoms?
  • Fever (greater than 100.4) or chills
  • New uncontrolled cough (if you have established chronic allergy or asthma, a change from your regular cough)
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

YES ___NO ___

If NO, please continue to question no. 2.

If YES, you cannot come on campus. You are required to contact your worksite administrator/supervisor regarding your COVID like symptoms, and do ONE of the following:

  • Provide documentation of a negative COVID-19 PCR test administered after the onset of symptoms (detects the viral genetic material)
    • While awaiting COVID testing results, you must remain off school/district campus in isolation.
      • If test result is negative, inform your administrator or supervisor and return to your work site.
      • If test result is positive, you cannot come on campus and are required to:
        • stay home for 10 days from the date the positive test was administered or stay home for at least ten days since symptoms first appeared (whichever occurred first) AND be fever free for at least 24 hours (without taking medication to reduce fever) AND have improvement in other symptoms (cough, shortness of breath).

 Present a written clearance to return to work from your treating physician indicating an alternate diagnosis.

    • You must also be fever free for at least 24 hours (without taking medication to reduce fever) AND have improvement in other symptoms (cough, shortness of breath) prior to returning to work.


 Have you recently tested positive for COVID-19 or are waiting for test results due to your own illness?

YES ___NO ___

If NO, you may come to work as planned.

If YES, you must remain home until your test results are available.

If test result is negative, then you can return to work.

If test result is positive, you cannot come on campus and are required to:

  • Stay home for 10 days from the date the positive test was administered or stay home for at least ten days since symptoms first appeared (whichever occurred first) AND be fever free for at least 24 hours (without taking medication to reduce fever) AND have improvement in other symptoms (cough, shortness of breath).

  ***As a reminder, if you answered “YES”, you need to remain at home and cannot report to work in-person.  Please contact your immediate supervisor and follow the steps outlined above.***

Pasco County Schools endeavors to support employees’ total wellness – including mental and emotional health.   If you are experiencing stressors that are negatively impacting you, please review the benefits available to you through the district’s Employee Assistance Program.

Considerations for Recent Vaccine Recipients

If you have received a COVID vaccination in the last 24-72 hours, special consideration should be taken for the following mild to moderate symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Headache
  • Pain at injection site

These symptoms are common 24-72 hours after vaccinations. This will NOT require 10-day isolation.  Please follow your school or department’s normal sick day policy. If you experience severe symptoms such as: shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell, symptoms listed as anaphylaxis reaction, contact your medical provider for further recommendations.

Considerations for Fully Vaccinated Recipients

The purpose of the screener is to help you determine if you are well enough to work face to face at your school or department office.

  • Staff members that are fully vaccinated have significantly stronger protection against the virus but are not immune to it.
  • Vaccinated staff members that are feeling sick will follow their school’s normal sick protocol. However, if the employee begins experiencing COVID-like symptoms described previously or answers “YES” to either of the screener questions and remains sick and symptomatic, he or she may need to be excluded from work until the appropriate return condition described in the screener is met.
  • Being fully vaccinated will allow employees to avoid a quarantine order when close exposure to a positive case is confirmed as long as they are not experiencing COVID-like symptoms. For some vaccinated employees experiencing these symptoms, vaccination status may not prevent an exclusion and a negative test or doctor’s diagnosis for alternate explanation of symptoms may need to be presented in order to return to work.

Spanish Version – Employee Self-Screener 8.3.21 SP