Behavior Expectations
The Pasco County Student Code of Conduct is in effect at all school-related events. Any student choosing to violate the Pasco County Student Code of Conduct, either by association or by committing the act personally, will receive any or all the interventions prescribed by the District School Board of Pasco County.
a. Any student who receives Out-of-School-Suspension (O.S.S.) beginning (January 7, 2025) is NOT ELIGIBLE for the End of Year 3 Activities and the Loss of Privilege* will be documented on the discipline referral as such.
b. Any child who receives a discipline referral that results in In-School-Suspension (I.S.S.) or Alternative to Suspension beginning (January 7, 2025), he/she will NOT be allowed to participate in End of Year 3 Activities as follows:
· 1st Referral with I.S.S./Saturday School = Loss of first Year 3 activity.
· 2nd Referral with I.S.S. /Saturday School = Loss of an Additional Year 3 activity.
· 3rd Referral with I.S.S. /Saturday School = Loss of all Year 3 activities.
c. Any student who demonstrates safety concerns, as documented on a discipline referral, while on school-provided transportation may not be eligible to participate in Gradventure, at the discretion of the school principal or his/her designee.
*Loss of Privilege will be documented on the Discipline Referral as Intervention Code: 34 - Loss of Privilege
My child would like to participate in the following activities (check all that apply): *
I acknowledge I have read the Year 3 End of Year Activity Behavior Expectations Chart shown above and the timelines provided. *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
I understand completing this form does NOT reserve my child's spot. I must log into Rycor and make the minimum deposit before 11/1/24 or before all seats fill.
https://www.studentquickpay.com/pasco/ *