Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.
Healthy Hearts Activity Feb 6 2:45pm-4:30pm
LOLHS Class of 2029 Parent Night
Boys Basketball and Girls Soccer Information
Please visit our Athletics pages for information about tryouts and seasons. Boys Basketball Girls Soccer
Deadline to Buy Dance Tickets
The deadline to purchase tickets on Rycor for the Decades Dance is Thursday, October 24 11:59pm. The Decades Dance will be held in our Cafeteria right after school on October 28. Pick up time starts at 4:30pm in the bus loop north of the campus. *Students will not be...

Decades Dance
The Decades Dance is $10 plus 100 PAWS points. First, pay $10 on Rycor, then during lunch spend 100 PAWS points to finalize your ticket. Students will receive arm bands for the dance on October 28. We hope you have fun helping your student choose their decade costume!...
Car Rider Drop Off Time
Car rider drop off time begins at 7:50am when staff are present to release lines. Thank you for helping us to ensure student safety and supervision. Below is an excerpt from Principal Warren's weekly newsletter with more information for car riders.

Assessment Calendar

Picture Day