PVMS Theatre Arts


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Thespian Auditions – 10/7/2020 – 10/8/2020 from 3:15PM – 5:00PM in room 511

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Filippeli at bfilippeli@pasco.k12.fl.us.

Thespian Meeting and Officer Elections 10/9/2020 from 3:15PM – 4:30PM in room 511



The Florida State Junior Thespian Troupe is a student honor society which is a subset of the theatre arts program where membership is earned. Any student may be a member of the theatre arts program, but only students who have been officially inducted are members of the International Thespian Society. Students may earn membership in the organization by accumulating points when participating in Pine View Players activities, and the Junior Thespian Festival which is held both regionally and at the state level. Members of the Thespian troupe may audition to perform at the regional festival, and selected students earning a Superior rating at the regional festival may be selected to perform at the state festival.