Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Car Riders

We, at PVMS, would like to stress the importance of adhering to the car rider loading/unloading procedures to ensure that our students arrive/dismiss from school safely and efficiently.  It is important for all students to be dropped off at the north end of the school and to be picked up at the north end of the school.  If each car would pull all the way up before dropping off/picking up their student, this increases the efficiency of the process in the am/pm.  When students are dropped off and picked up randomly along the sidewalk, it creates a “bottleneck” effect  and a safety hazard when cars randomly pull out and through traffic is moving to the left.  If for any reason, a student needs to unload/load a number of items, it is encouraged that parents pull into a parking spot and assist the student so that the car rider line is not blocked.  At no time, should a car be vacated in the car rider line. Our School Resource Officer will be assisting with this procedure throughout the year.  A few tips to assist parents with a smooth drop off/pick up is to have your student dropped off no earlier than 8:15 am and no later than 8:25 am.  After 8:25 am, the car rider line for drop off  becomes very congested.  In the afternoon, students are released at 2:50 pm and the car rider line is usually non-existent by 3:05.  Students must be picked up no later than 3:20 pm.  Please see the attached diagram for a visual display of the car rider load/unloading flowchart.
PVMS Car Riders