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Year 1 Info

New to PVMS

Dress Code for 24-25

Students who are violating the Pasco Schools dress code will be required to change into clothes that do meet the expectations. If they do not have access to appropriate attire on campus, they will wait in the In-School-Suspension room until clothes can be brought to them at school. 

Devices in 24-25

Learn More About Devices at PVMS



Pasco Schools Expectation for all Middle Schools:

Students are to keep their Wireless Communication Devices (WCD*) put away and out of sight and silent before, during, and after the school day while in the classroom, hallways, and cafeteria unless directed by a teacher to use them for instructional uses.

Why does this expectation exist?

We want kids to be fully engaged during the school day. Schools are designed to be places of safety, learning, and building skills for success in college, careers, and life. The Pasco School Board has determined that the best way to achieve these goals is to remove access to WCD and refocus students on the task of tasks of learning.

What happens if a student violates these expectations?

  1. First Violation: Warning and teacher communication home through myStudent.
  2. Second Violation: Discipline Referral and a meeting with family to address ongoing concern and check in of wireless communication device** with a recommendation of Lunch Detention.
  3. Third Violation: Discipline Referral and a meeting with family to address ongoing concern and loss of wireless communication device ***with a recommendation of Saturday School.
  4. Fourth Violation: Discipline Referral and a meeting with family to address ongoing concern and loss of wireless communication device**** with a recommendation of In School Suspension.
  • Students who have lost their personal wireless communication device(s) privileges and use another person’s wireless communication device(s) will be considered defiance of authority and corrective action may be noted under 3rd, 4th and/or 5th offenses with continued defiance moving to Out-of-School Suspension.
  • Students who share their personal wireless communication device(s) and the “borrower” of said wireless communication device(s) will receive corrective action as noted on the Continuum of Corrective Action for Wireless Communication Devices if they breach the Wireless Communication Device Policy.


*Wireless communication device (WCDs) are used in this policy and defined in Bylaw 0100 and includes peripheral devices that have a wired or wireless connection to the WCD ( e.g.-headphones, earbuds, watches with wireless capabilities, etc.). 

** Dependent on the time of the quarter, wireless communication device(s) would be checked-in until progress reports are published and/or end of the following quarter.

*** Dependent on the time of the quarter, wireless communication device(s) privileges would be lost until progress reports are published and/or end of the following quarter.

**** Dependent on the time of the semester, wireless communication device(s) privileges would be lost until start of next semester and/or if late in the second quarter until the end of the current school year.



District Help Lines

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Have a question or want to provide feedback? You’re in the right place! Let’s Talk! is designed to streamline communication by giving you a central location to submit a question, concern, or comment. Provide your contact information and someone from our school will get back to you very soon.

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Incoming Year 1 Newsletter

Incoming Year 1 families, please review our Summer Newsletter. You will find information about All Paws In and Meet the Teacher Day. Please RSVP for All Paws In on August 1. Also, you will find our Supply Lists and much more! *Year 2 and 3 students who are NEW to PVMS...

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LOLHS Baseball

Anyone interested in information regarding summer weightlifting program for baseball at Land O' Lakes High School, please contact Coach Baisley at

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Volleyball Info for Year 3 Girls

Attention Girls Interested in VOLLEYBALL! Summer Skill Sessions will begin this summer and are open to all current and incoming Land O Lakes High School girls. Sessions will give each player the opportunity to learn the Gator style and best prepare for tryouts. All...

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Yard Sign Pick Up Dates

Thank you for purchasing a yard sign to help celebrate your child's important milestone to or from PVMS. Below are the pick up dates and times for yard signs. May 9: 4:30 - 6:30 May 11: 10:00 - 11:30 May 13 - May 17: 8:00 - 3:30 (via the Front Office)

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